Cabin fever 2016 rotten
Cabin fever 2016 rotten

cabin fever 2016 rotten

The movie was limited in its vision, and toning down the gore does a disservice to everything that was good about the original film. Honesty, I have seen found-footage films with better acting than what some of these no-talents pulled off. Worst part of it all? Save for a few of the actors, the performances were atrocious. This movie doesn't even try to be original in its retelling of the film, as the same basic set-up (and even some of the dialogue) has been reused and recycled to ill-effect. But everything from the acting to the gore has taken a considerable hit with this remake as to effectively make it Cabin Fever-lite. Had it been Evil Dead-remake caliber, we would have been in for something special. It does nothing new, different or even remotely better than the admittedly average original. Cabin Fever is just another byproduct of the horror remake craze. Then they shoehorn in some jokes that aren't funny at all, and you laugh at how horribly they were delivered, and then you'll contemplate what you're doing with your life. It tries to take itself seriously and it fails miserably. It doesn't even have his signature silly style. I don't blame Roth for this mess because I'm pretty sure he just signed off on it, made some green and never thought about it again. Watch the original if you want, or literally any other Eli Roth movie. It makes Patient Zero look like The Dark Knight. The cabin in the woods schtick, clueless college kids, creepy guy at a gas station, perfunctory sex scenes, loud sound effects to make you jump, etc. It literally goes down the horror movie cliché checklist. I didn't care if any of them died in fact I wanted them all to die so the movie would end as quickly as possible. The characters are unlikable and annoying, which is weird because I don't remember hating them in the original.

cabin fever 2016 rotten

I hesitate to call them actors because I saw no semblance of acting on screen. First off, none of these people should be allowed to act ever again. But for those who are, let me affirm your suspicions: this movie blows. The good news is that this isn't a theatrical release - it's limited on-demand or something so thankfully a majority of people won't be aware of this abomination's existence. Still, what on Earth were they smoking?Ĭabin Fever is just another one of those movies where studio executives thought, "Hey, the original was good so why not milk the f*ck out of the name and release heaps of garbage, call them sequels, and the money will come." Now this reboot comes along with the exact same script as the original so I figure the execs were just like, "F*ck it, why even try?" And it shows. I will avoid giving the film a BOMB rating since it's at least professionally made. His rumor was taken out but the darker elements add up to nothing. CABIN FEVER, the 2016 version, is one of the most unoriginal movies I've ever seen and it's just shocking that Roth would sign off for this type of remake. Even worse is the fact that the film runs the same length, which just goes to show how alike they are. As for the screenplay, as I said, it's pretty much just the original with a few alterations. The kills are slightly different but they're certainly not great enough to save the picture. Everything else is exactly like the original movie so what was the point? If you've seen the original then you're just going to be bored by what you see here. This includes an assault rifle being used, stuff like the internet mentioned and the Deputy character is now a woman. It really does seem like the original screenplay was used here with only a few things brought more up=to-date. When I say this is a scene-for-scene remake I'm not kidding. At least the original film had two sequels that at least tried to be different or do something slightly original. For the life of me I can't understand what Roth and company were trying to do with this film. That's certainly not the case here because what we basically have is a scene-for-scene remake. I'm a huge defender of remakes because quite often they're at least more original than sequels, which usually just copy the first movie. I've seen worse film but I've never seen such a pointless remake in my life. Roth was involved in this one and had spent several months really pushing for people to give this film a chance but the end result is without question one of the biggest disasters in recent horror history. This is a remake of the 2002 Eli Roth film that put that director on the map and helped bring in some "frat boy" type of horror movies. Cabin Fever (2016) 1/2 (out of 4) Five friends go out into the woods for a fun week but soon a flesh eating virus begins to take them over.

Cabin fever 2016 rotten